Customized Base Map Request

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $129.00.

This is a request for a basemap only for your exact setup. This allows customers to benefit from the 1000’s of tunes E-tunez has created over the years at a significantly reduced price. You get all that experience and customization, and all those fixes for those modification specific issues (like motor mount knock, injector cold starting problems, throttle body calibration) without having to put in the hours of troubleshooting yourself. There is only 1 revision included with this option, so this is for the DIY tuner who wants a better starting point then a global basemap and is comfortable tuning the remainder of the details to their liking. Many E-tunez basemaps have already been tuned by us on the dyno with a similar setup to yours (we can’t say all as it depends on your setup). Its important to note that there is no such things a “one basemap fits all”, which is why we don’t offer a direct instant download for any map. There are no quick fixes when it comes to tuning, but with a customized basemap, and a free revision to look it over at a time of your choosing, we can help start you well on your way to making it perfect. This is the perfect option if you want to make your own adjustments. An E-tunez basemap includes:


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